6955 Christophe-Colomb, Bureau 104
Montréal 514-794-4410




Simon Bélair Acupuncturist

Montreal Acupuncture

  • Acupuncturist in Montreal since 2003.
  • Teacher for the Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec and for the Centre Ostéopathique du Québec.
  • Co-director of the Clinique des Médecines Alternatives de la Petite-Patrie (MAPP).
  • Founder of the IFARI platform, dedicated to research on fascias and acupuncture.
  • Member of the Ordre des Acupuncteurs du Québec.
  • More than 1500 hours of post-graduate in acupuncture and related disciplines such as Tuina and Qi Gong.

“A sustainable health model based on prevention and balance.”

Simon Bélair has been practicing acupuncture in Montreal since 2003. He is also a medical Qi Gong therapist and a Tuina massage therapist in addition to being a teacher for the OAQ (Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec) and for the COQ (Centre Ostéopathique du Québec).

Inspired by the experience he acquired in Vietnam, where he had the opportunity to do two post-graduate internships at the Hô Chi Minh City Traditional Medicine Institute, he now favours a therapeutic approach combining traditional knowledge and methodology with contemporary norms and standards. He cumulates nearly 2000 hours of post-graduate classes and he is now studying the ancient medical text of the Nei Jing with world renowed Dr. Edward Neal, Md.

Acupuncture looks at the individual as a whole, in his or her physical and psychological entirety. It emphasizes the activation of the patient’s healing resources by seeking balance between his or her different physiological systems. For several millennia now, this holistic approach has treated the root causes of imbalances and has guided patients towards good health maintenance and disease prevention.

“Inviting the patients to understand and participate in their health by adjusting their lifestyle according to their constitution and environment.”

Acupuncture consists of inserting thin needles into specific points in the body in order to re-establish circulatory and physiological balance. The needles stimulate the vascular, myofacial, neurological, endocrine and immune systems to induce a global response, aiming to re-establish health and to relieve pain. Acupuncture can be used in a preventive or curative manner and is a recognized treatment for a number of acute or chronic illnesses.

“This approach aims to support the patient’s general health and to allow them to find long-term balance.”