6955 Christophe-Colomb, Bureau 104
Montréal 514-794-4410



New clinic. New website.

Dear patients, it is with great enthusiasm that I’m announcing our offices’ move into the Petite-Patrie borough.

6955 Christophe-Colomb, Office 104, H2S 2H4, Montreal.  

Starting July 2014, we will be able to welcome you to our new Petite Patrie clinic.

After 9 years of working on St-Joseph Street, we have moved to a new location while keeping the same professional and friendly spirit. It will be a great pleasure to show you our new facilities.

By the same token, I’d like to show you my new website: www.simonbelair.ca

You will find it much richer in content, with a new section on traditional Chinese medicine, a blog, as well as a form for making appointments.

To reach me by telephone, the number remains the same: 514-794-4410.

Have a good summer everyone,

-Simon Bélair, Ac.